Am 9. Juli 2016 war ein Sonderzug der Fränkischen Museums-Eisenbahn in Regensburg. Vormittags hab ich die Lok zu spät gehört, da war sie schon wieder weg zum Wasser auffüllen. Aber die Rückfahrt nach Nürnberg am Abend hat ganz gut zu meiner geplanten Radtour gepasst. So hab ich die Lok dieses Mal in Fahrtrichtung Nürnberg auf der Eisenbahnbrücke bei Mariaort fotografieren können. Dabei hab ich auch noch den Youtube-Eisenbahnfilmer ICE 91 Prinz Eugen getroffen, der das in seinen Monatsrückblick eingebaut hat (Viele Grüße zurück!).
Monat: August 2016
Full filesystem without content?
Since a few days I had a problem on my Ubuntu machine that I use at home: After logging in, the system showed a warning, that /tmp
was nearly full. Checking it with df -h
showed that over 95% of 10 gigabyte were used. But sudo du -hs /tmp/
showed that only 5 megabyte were used by files. /tmp
has it’s own partition and uses the XFS filesystem. On and I found some promising problem descriptions and possible solutions, but none of them fit for me. Finally xfs_repair solved the problem. For this you need to unmount /tmp, so I did this:
- Edit
so that the tmp-partition will not be mounted on next boot (put „#“ at the beginning of the line that mounts /tmp) - Reboot, /tmp is now part of the root filesystem /.
- Call
sudo xfs_repair /dev/sdxY
(replace sdxY by whatever your tmp-partition is). - Mount the partition somewhere temporarily (for example /mnt/tmp) and check with
df -h
if this solved the problem. - Edit
again to reactivate the tmp-partition. Then reboot and check again.